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Four costless and effective activities to reduce your stress levels

Being constantly exposed to a chaotic routine can easily result in stress levels crossing the boundary line. While a little stress is necessary to carry on daily tasks without a constant desire to collapse on a soft couch, too much of it is dangerous to our well-being. Here are four scientifically proven activities to loosen your grip and unload negative feelings.


Reading: researchers at the University of Sussex have confirmed that reading is one of the best activities to relieve stress, as it fully engages your mind and makes the body release its tensions.


Yoga: yoga improves both physical and mental health, and reduces stress through its meditation techniques. Research shows that yoga is particularly useful for pregnant women to relax. 


Running: if you feel that reading or meditating are too light to unload your negative energies, running might be the solution for you. Aerobic exercise diminishes the stress hormones and produces endorphins, chemicals that make the body feel good and energetic. According to the American Psychological Association, a person’s mood starts improving after just five minutes of moderate exercise.


Drinking tea: although it contains caffeine, tea is proven to have a positive effect on the stress hormones in the human body. While green tea is usually thought to be more beneficial, a study conducted by the University College London found that black tea has more relaxing powers: in fact, people who drink black tea get de-stressed more easily than people who don’t. 

Running produces endorphins, chemicals that make the body feel good and energetic.
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